You’re about to get an incredible deal on our official website by booking 3 days in advance of arrival. This rate includes accommodation and full English breakfast and gives you an amazing 20% discount off our Flexible Rates. PLUS save a further 10% on food, golf and beauty treatments when you book on our official website.
For latest availability and best rates guaranteed, please book directly on our website!
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Save 20% at Tregenna Castle when you book directly and get the…
Handcrafted women’s jewellery made from wood, resin and ceramic. The perfect gift…
Our inflatable Aqua Park features separate islands to keep you safe while…
With a free training programme included in all our membership options and…
Enjoy a glass of free fizz with your fresh local haddock fillet…
Join us for a boozy brunch and enjoy bottomless G&Ts created with…
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